[zeromq-dev] HA: s390x build failure

Sergey Hripchenko shripchenko at intermedia.net
Wed Apr 25 19:35:37 CEST 2012

zmq_disconnect() and zmq_unbind() are aliases to eachother ^)

>> Also, for unbind() should this just
>> stop the listening of new connections
already patched
>>but leave existing connections intact?
I believe that the proper behavior is to terminate them with LINGER value(the same as in zmq_term())
Unfortunately this is not happen
and here is my description of second bug ^) now for unbind():

PULL->bind() socket doesn’t disconnect all connected sessions  after zmq_unbind() and ZMQ_LINGER expired.
(tcp_listener_t and all owned base_session_t(connect=false) actually terminated only at zmq_term() althrough tcp_listener_t processes TERM command and propagates it to all owned base_session_t, but then the terminate process stops(even after LINGER timer event)... I believe it stops somewhere in pipe_t::process_term())
Example code:

a.       Server: http://pastebin.com/bUvcguCK

b.      Client: http://pastebin.com/yPxsbf83

c.       Run server, server will block in zmq_send().

d.      Run client.

e.      Run ‘netstat –anp | grep 5560’ to ensure that you have 3 TCP sockets(one listening and two for bidirectional connection):

root at ast-pbx-spb-1:~# netstat -anp | grep 5560

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      12913/push

tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 12913/push

tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 12934/pull

f.        Wait for 10 packets and zmq_unbind() and sleep() forever

g.       Run again ‘netstat –anp | grep 5560’ to ensure that you still have 2 bidirectional TCP sockets, so sessions will not be disconnected.
server is blocked again in zmq_send() – which is good
client will wait forever in dead PUSH connection since it never closed.

От: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org [zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] от имени Neale Ferguson [neale at sinenomine.net]
Отправлено: 25 апреля 2012 г. 21:21
To: ZeroMQ development list
Тема: Re: [zeromq-dev] s390x build failure

When zmq_unbind() completes, can’t an indicator be set in the structure representing the structure such that subsequent I/O causing APIs will check this and not go further down the stack to try and complete the call? Similarly, couldn’t zmq_disconnect() do the same? Also, for unbind() should this just stop the listening of new connections but leave existing connections intact? Judging by the way’s it’s being used I assume the answer is no.

On 4/25/12 12:35 PM, "Sergey Hripchenko" <shripchenko at intermedia.net<UrlBlockedError.aspx>> wrote:

I was hoping that you have more exotic OS ^)

About issue: zmq_sleep (1) should be _enough_ for everything.
However, for example I found that:
PUSH->recv() > 0
// and this will leave PUSH -> session_base_t -> tcp_connecter_t forever until you call some io functions like PUSH->recv(ZMQ_DONTWAIT)=-1
// the TERM command simply _NOT_ propagaded from session_base_t::process_term_req()(called in application thread) to tcp_connecter_t::process_term()(called in ZMQ IO thread)

Not sure if anyone interested in this issue...


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