[zeromq-dev] HA: head builds again but two failing tests

Sergey Hripchenko shripchenko at intermedia.net
Sat Apr 21 06:08:32 CEST 2012

Yep. My bug. And such a stupid one....
push x319

test_pair_inproc running...
PASS: test_pair_inproc
test_pair_tcp running...
PASS: test_pair_tcp
test_reqrep_inproc running...
PASS: test_reqrep_inproc
test_reqrep_tcp running...
PASS: test_reqrep_tcp
test_hwm running...
PASS: test_hwm
test_reqrep_device running...
PASS: test_reqrep_device
test_sub_forward running...
PASS: test_sub_forward
test_invalid_rep running...
PASS: test_invalid_rep
PASS: test_msg_flags
test_connect_resolve running...
PASS: test_connect_resolve
PASS: test_last_endpoint
test_shutdown_stress running...
PASS: test_shutdown_stress
test_pair_ipc running...
PASS: test_pair_ipc
test_reqrep_ipc running...
PASS: test_reqrep_ipc
test_timeo running...
PASS: test_timeo
All 15 tests passed

От: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org [zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] от имени Brian Knox [briank at talksum.com]
Отправлено: 20 апреля 2012 г. 22:54
To: ZeroMQ development list
Тема: Re: [zeromq-dev] head builds again but two failing tests

Pieter - sorry I don't have time to dig into deeper today, packing to head to fly tomorrow.. normally I'd happily do a little debugging myself :(


On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com<mailto:ph at imatix.com>> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Brian Knox <briank at talksum.com<mailto:briank at talksum.com>> wrote:

> Don't have time to dig today but wanted to give a heads up.

... I get the same issue.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7ba97aa in zmq::address_t::to_string (this=0x606170,
addr_=...) at address.cpp:65
65                  return resolved.tcp_addr->to_string(addr_);

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