[zeromq-dev] compiling zeromq with uuid dependency

Philip Kovacs kovacsp3 at comcast.net
Fri Apr 20 02:28:51 CEST 2012

The uuid library is part of the 'util-linux' package and the development 
headers are from 'uuid-dev'.  Check the outputs of: 

$ pkg-config --cflags uuid  

(should be an include path (-I) to the uuid.h header)

$ pkg-config --libs uuid

(should be something like '-luuid')

I typically see the uuid.h header in a uuid subdirectory, e.g.


and from what you report below, I think you're uuid installation 
may be inconsistent.


* Francisc Simon <francisc.simon at evalgo.com> [2012-04-19 08:05:52 +0200]:

> Hi,
> I've tried yesterday to compile zeromq 2.2 on my ubuntu server.
> The result was that i alway got the error : configure: error: cannot
> link with -luuid, install uuid-dev.
> And I don't want to use apt-get install libuuid-dev, because in our case
> the installation process is part of a independent deployment model
> I hope the package i've downloaded is the right one :-)
> uuid-1.6.2.tar.gz from
> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.ossp.org/pkg/lib/uuid/uuid-1.6.2.tar.gz
> My uuid folder content is:
> ├── bin
> │ ├── uuid
> │ └── uuid-config
> ├── include
> │ └── uuid.h
> ├── lib
> │ ├── libuuid.a
> │ ├── libuuid.la
> │ ├── libuuid.so -> libuuid.so.16.0.22
> │ ├── libuuid.so.16 -> libuuid.so.16.0.22
> │ ├── libuuid.so.16.0.22
> │ └── pkgconfig
> │ └── uuid.pc
> └── share
> └── man
> ├── man1
> │ ├── uuid.1
> │ └── uuid-config.1
> └── man3
> └── uuid.3
> After that I tried to compile zeromq:
> ./configure --prefix=/location/zeromq --with-uuid=/location/uuid
> I've also tried to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /location/uuid/lib but it
> does not change anything I get the same error.
> By the way from my point of view it would be nice to have a --with-uuid
> section in the ./configure --help listing :-)
> Thx
> Frank :-)
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