[zeromq-dev] Zmq Assert
Michel Pelletier
pelletier.michel at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 18:53:48 CEST 2012
Can you provide us with a small reproducible example? Also what
version of zmq/pyzmq/gevent are you using?
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Antonio Teixeira
<eagle.antonio at gmail.com> wrote:
> One more thing using zmq green :D
> 2012/4/12 Antonio Teixeira <eagle.antonio at gmail.com>
>> Checked :)
>> Fork = New Process
>> And there are no shared contexts / sockets or anything.
>> 2012/4/12 Chuck Remes <lists at chuckremes.com>
>>> On Apr 12, 2012, at 10:45 AM, Antonio Teixeira wrote:
>>> > Hello Friends.
>>> >
>>> > I have hitting a wall since i updated to the latest of ZMQ and PyZmq
>>> >
>>> > Assertion failed: ok (mailbox.cpp:84)
>>> >
>>> > I have tried everything i can remember , probably this is a problem in
>>> > Zmq and not PyZmq but i wanted to get the opinion of a more experience
>>> > member
>>> > of the community first.
>>> >
>>> > Scenario :
>>> >
>>> > Parent thread forks a child
>>> > both run the exact same code a exception happens in the parent that
>>> > terminates but the child survives.
>>> >
>>> > This is a simple PUB / SUB where the PUB does connect and the SUB
>>> > binds.
>>> > The side that crashes is the Publisher.
>>> Make sure you do *not* share the same context between forked processes.
>>> It's simplest to create the context(s) after you have done all of your
>>> forking. Try that and see if it solves your issue.
>>> If you don't mean "fork" (as in creating a new process) but instead mean
>>> to say you are creating a new thread under the same process, then you should
>>> verify that you are not accessing any socket from more than one thread. 0mq
>>> sockets are not thread safe.
>>> cr
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