[zeromq-dev] Can't build zeromq 2.2.0 on Solaris with GCC 3.4.3

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Tue Apr 10 20:26:41 CEST 2012

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 5:50 PM, AJ Lewis <aj.lewis at quantum.com> wrote:

> # find tmp/SunOS5100i386_64/zeromq-2.2.0/ -name "gcc_421_char_traits.hpp"
> returns nothing.  Did I get a bad tarball, or is it in git, but not in
> the tarball??

It's missing from the tarball; it wasn't listed in the Makefile.am so
wasn't being packaged properly.

I'll patch this and make a new set of tarballs for the 2.2.0 release.


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