[zeromq-dev] Cannot build a working JZMQ on Windows: which git branch to take?

Igor 'Lo' (И.L.) bombsiteunrested at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 11:03:08 CEST 2011

Hi all.

I can't run even the simplest test case:

C:\zeromq\zeromq-jzmq-040c4c6\perf>java -Xcheck:jni -verbose:jni,class
-classpath .;C:\zeromq\zeromq-jzmq-040c4c6\lib\zmq.jar local_lat 1 1
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
        at org.zeromq.ZMQ$Context.construct(Native Method)
        at org.zeromq.ZMQ$Context.<init>(ZMQ.java:306)
        at org.zeromq.ZMQ.context(ZMQ.java:252)
        at local_lat.main(local_lat.java:36)

Dlls are copied to same directory.
JNI headers are seems to be generated correctly (excerpt from
 * Class:     org_zeromq_ZMQ_Context
 * Method:    construct
 * Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zeromq_ZMQ_00024Context_construct
  (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint);

What was tested:
JZMQ from git (two snapshots within a week range), ZeroMQ 2.1.0
snapshot, ZeroMQ current snapshot - in combinations with JDK 1.5, JDK
1.6 and VS C++ Express 2008, 2010. None worked.

Any thoughts on this?


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