[zeromq-dev] XREQ/XREP messaging flow

Umut Aydin aydinumut82 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 11:27:53 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make a small game server demo with ZeroMQ and I have a problem
with my XREQ/XREP sockets.


As you can see in sample source code, it looks like basic sync pub/sub
example of python binding. In example, server sends responses through
publisher socket and it works. It's OK with my code too but I need to use
server socket at least for one response.

If you run my code you'll see that server socket can receive 'WhoAmI'
 request and calls send method. To see that please cut 'print data' and
paste it to the line right after 'if' condition.

The problem here is that client socket cannot receive the response. If I use
publisher socket instead of server to respond, then client can receive the
response correctly. Of course you should change 'client.receive' to
'subscriber.receive' to perform that.

I have all game-related classes completed and tested via PUB/SUB messaging
but I cannot get that single response received by my XREQ socket.

Do I miss something in my code? Any idea?

By the way, right after solving that problem, I'll make subscriber and
client loops work in different multiprocessing.Process
I tried to implement that now and I couldn't get any response but I guess it
was based on same problem.

Thank you.
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