[zeromq-dev] Python Streamer Push/Pull Device "losing" messages

James Thornton james at jamesthornton.com
Thu Oct 20 22:34:33 CEST 2011

Hello All -

Would you mind taking a look at this simple Python/PyZMQ Streamer?
(it's a simplified version of the one I posted in IRC today):


When I run it, sometimes it will print that it receives all 1000
messages, sometimes it will be ~300, sometimes more or less -- it's so
intermittent as to how many messages it receives.

I'm using pyzmq 2.1.9 with ZMQ 2.1.4 on Fedora.

There are GBs of available memory, and as I understand it, a Streamer
PULL socket will receive as many messages as memory allows.

There is only 1 worker, and it receives the first 0 through X messages
so I know it's had time to spin up and connect.

However, I'm new to ZeroMQ so there may be something
simple/fundamental that I'm missing or not understanding.


- James

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