[zeromq-dev] C Based ZeroMQ Aggregation Server Problems...

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Mon Oct 17 23:36:28 CEST 2011

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Ian Barber <ian.barber at gmail.com> wrote:

>> I have noticed this error "E: unhandled error on recv: 11/Resource temporarily unavailable" but it does not seem to correlate with the issue.
> Ah, that's interesting - Pieter is this related the nbytes == 1 fix
> you put in recently? Henry, could you possibly try this against
> zeromq2-1 master?

Yes, the message will appear randomly but have no other effect afaik.
I'll make a new stable release pretty soon.


You don't need to be doing zero-copy here: just recv the message on
one socket, send it on the other, then close it. No copying will
happen. Zero-copy is useful when sending large application buffers.

Do you know if the sink blocks when receiving off the PULL socket?
This sounds like a bug, I can't think of any normal condition that
would cause this. Can you confirm where the sink process is blocked?


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