[zeromq-dev] What's the right way for a worker to send additional tasks to the worker queue?

James Thornton james at jamesthornton.com
Sat Oct 8 02:09:17 CEST 2011

In the taskevent model (ventilator/worker/sink), what's the right way
for a *worker* to send additional tasks to the worker queue?

I'm working off of this example...


And I've tried having the worker connect to the PUSH socket the
ventilator is bound to, but that doesn't seem to work.

def worker(wrk_num):
    # Initialize a zeromq context
    context = zmq.Context()

    # This doesn't work...
    ventilator_send = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

    # Set up a channel to receive work from the ventilator
    work_receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)



- James

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