[zeromq-dev] Loosing first message with PGM

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Thu Oct 6 12:00:11 CEST 2011


Does this problem persist?

If so, please create an issue in the bug tracker for it so that it's not 


On 09/29/2011 10:26 AM, Emmanuel TAUREL wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using zmq 3.0.x. on Linux boxes (Ubuntu).
> I am using pub/sub pattern.
> In my application, on the publisher side, I have a publisher socket
> using TCP transport and another publisher socket using PGM transport.
> I am able to manually trigger the PGM publisher to publish 1 multipart
> message.
> There are messages published at regular interval in the TCP publisher
> (every 9 seconds).
> I start the subscriber process which is doing nothing else then waiting
> for ZMQ messages.
> To do so, it has a thread listening for ZMQ sockets using the zmq::poll
> call. IT has 2 sockets (one sub for TCP and another one for PGM)
> The subscriber process receives without any problem the TCP messages.
> Nevertheless, the first message sent by the PGM publisher is lost
> because the zmq::poll() call does not return for this first PGM message!
> I had a look at network packets using wireshark on the subscriber side.
> I see the PGM SPM packet sent every 30 seconds.
> Then I see the ODATA packet sent by the first PGM message from the
> publisher host.
> This packet is followed by several SPM packets but it does not make my
> thread to return from the zmq::poll() call!
> I do not notice something different on the network packets when I
> compare the first PGM message exchange with the following one (which
> makes my
> code to return from the zmq::poll)
> The problem is the same if I use epgm instead of pgm.
> The same code works fine if all messages are transported using TCP.
> Do you have any idea how I could solve this problem?
> Is it due to a bad usage of zmq::poll() call?
> Thank's for your answer
> Emmanuel Taurel
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