[zeromq-dev] Poll about linger and termination behaviour!

MinRK benjaminrk at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 21:42:31 CET 2011

I think of the new default LINGER behavior as more of a bugfix than
anything else, so my vote is to keep -1.

Many of my use cases are short scripts of the form:

send some messages

For the default behavior to be that this won't work without setting a
flag doesn't seem great to me, but maybe my use cases are unusual.

I do certainly appreciate backwards compatibility, so maybe default to
0 really is a better decision at this point.

As for zmq_wait, this would be a super useful feature to add, and
critical for zero-copy sends of data that's in use (we currently use a
custom free-function to provide this ourselves).  Mark this as high on
my wishlist for 2.2.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 00:22, Andreas Kelle-Emden
<kelle-emden at vr.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
> Almost all the time I _need_ to wait until all messages are sent.
> Nevertheless I would prefer backward compatibility. I like the
> idea of having a special zmq_wait() function. That would be a
> great chance to wait for some special messages without having
> to terminate the context.
> -Andreas
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