[zeromq-dev] "Broadcast" messages for PUSH-PULL sockets?

Timothy Shead tshead at sandia.gov
Mon Mar 14 16:53:31 CET 2011

There must be some cleverness here that I'm not seeing - in this case, 
don't you have the same problem of needing to know the number of workers 
in advance?  Or are the workers sending some sort of unique worker 
identifier in their response, so you keep sending no-ops until you stop 
seeing new workers in the responses?

Many thanks for the quick response,

On 3/14/11 9:22 AM, Andrew Hume wrote:
> i use the scheme of having the workers report status back via a
> PUSH-PULL to the
> source (or control process). then pump down no-op data until all workers
> report no-ops.
> On Mar 14, 2011, at 8:10 AM, Timothy Shead wrote:
>> When streaming a fixed quantity of data through a pipeline via PUSH-PULL
>> sockets, I find myself wanting to signal all of the downstream workers
>> when the input data has been exhausted. To do that, I have to send my
>> "finished" message multiple times, which means that each upstream PUSHer
>> must be explicitly configured to know how many downstream PULLers there
>> will be, which spreads-around knowledge of the pipeline topology and
>> introduces lots of complexity, e.g. waiting for every PULLer to connect,
>> etc. Is there an easier way to "broadcast" a message to every PULL
>> socket connected to a PUSH? Using a separate PUB-SUB connection seems
>> equally problematic - I'm assuming that there's no guarantee that a
>> published "finished" message would arrive after the last data message in
>> the PUSH-PULL connection.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Tim
>> --
>> Timothy M. Shead
>> Sandia National Laboratories
>> 1461, Scalable Analysis and Visualization
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> ------------------
> Andrew Hume (best -> Telework) +1 623-551-2845
> andrew at research.att.com <mailto:andrew at research.att.com> (Work) +1
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> AT&T Labs - Research; member of USENIX and LOPSA

Timothy M. Shead
Sandia National Laboratories
1461, Scalable Analysis and Visualization

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