[zeromq-dev] [PATCH] ZMQ_NOT_LIBRARY option: when use ZMQ source code in other projects not as a library.

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Wed Mar 2 16:32:31 CET 2011

On 03/02/2011 12:55 PM, Pieter Hintjens wrote:

>> Btw, speaking of licenses. It's 2011 so we should change file headers to
>> reflect that. At the same time we can change the wording to mention all the
>> copyright holders (i.e. referencing the AUTHORS file).
> Yes. The alternative is to change the copyright statements file by
> file as the sources change but that's more work.

Done in rev.18b9ebe

It's up to you whether you want to apply the patch to stable versions.


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