[zeromq-dev] Pub - Sub pattern and IP v6

Steven McCoy steven.mccoy at miru.hk
Wed Jun 29 15:43:22 CEST 2011

On 29 June 2011 09:06, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at 250bpm.com> wrote:

> Hi Emmanuel,
> > First a question about IP v6. Is it supported by ZMQ?
> Nope. It used to be, but the solution back then caused problems with
> IPv4 connectivity on boxes with dual stack. Thus, it was disabled. You
> are free to give it another try though.
Yup, the problem is when using names the IP family is not explicitly
determined and subsequently in certain circumstances the wrong family is
chosen.  The only viable solution for 0mq is to follow SMTP semantics and by
default use IPv4 and using separate naming for IPv6, e.g. tcp vs. tcp6.

Note that the PGM transport does support IPv6 and dual stack configurations,
quite a substantial amount of code is used to implement IPv6 naming schemes
which native APIs do not support, e.g. network names, CIDR addresses,
multicast DNS (not to be confused with mDNS), alongside the different
addressing available in IPv6, i.e. global and link local scopes.

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