[zeromq-dev] Thinking out loud ...

Amr Ali amr.ali.cc at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 19:57:04 CEST 2011

Yeah I think Henry gone all out on this one as well. These issues mainly are the
problem of the application developer not 0MQ (or that's how I see it), basically
what 0MQ offers is the "infrastructure" required to do lots of abstracted
communication tasks in the form and shape of patterns.

I've stumbled on a lot of problems with high speed, high load, complex
communication models, which apparently requires little bit of design work on
your behalf than on 0MQ's, which I like as it keeps 0MQ all in itself simple
enough for other not so complex usages.

Amr Ali

On 06/24/2011 07:43 PM, Martin Sustrik wrote:
> Hi Henry,
>> I have followed the 0MQ mailing list for about a year, experimented with
>> 0MQ and contributed to the 0MQ adaptor for plack. I like many of the
>> features of 0MQ, including asynchronous I/O, multi-language support,
>> fan-out/fan-in connections and end-point connection syntax. But there
>> are a number of things that I find frustrating and that hinder my use of
>> 0MQ for more applications, including:
> <snip>
> Thanks for your thoughts on the topic! Unfortunately, the topic is so 
> broad it can't be answered in a single email. However...
> One thing I am not sure about is whether you are solving a real pressing 
> technical problem. If so, have you had a look at traditional messaging 
> systems like RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ etc.? They mostly work along the lines 
> you've outlined.
> If, on the other hand, what you are interested in is improving 0MQ, I 
> would suggest starting with some small piece that would allow you to 
> become familiar with the codebase rather then trying to redesign the 
> entire system in a single go. An example would be an advanced message 
> scheduler that would allow to steer large proportion of messages to a 
> particular peer (see your bullet no.3).
> Thoughts?
> Martin
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