[zeromq-dev] [PATCH] Fix incorrect include usage on Windows #2

Steven McCoy steven.mccoy at miru.hk
Fri Jun 17 00:51:40 CEST 2011

On 16 June 2011 12:26, Chuck Remes <cremes.devlist at mac.com> wrote:

> On Jun 16, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Steven McCoy wrote:
> > So all the distributions seem useless for 64-bit until mingw-w64 1.0.0 is
> actually released.  I have a snapshot in HK that produces correct binaries
> but everything else appears broken on integration.  ZeroMQ itself appears
> not at fault.
> Steve,
> thank you for your work on this. I am watching this with interest. Right
> now I build under mingw for 32-bit libraries (I have to interface to a
> 32-bit COM object) but at some point I'll want/need the 64-bit libs too. I
> appreciate your effort.
Just bumped up from Debian 5 to Wheezy (7) and it looks like it has a
workable MinGW-w64 compiler, ZeroMQ builds and installs correctly.

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