[zeromq-dev] How to read client's IP address from zmqsocket using tcp

Maciej Gajewski Maciej.Gajewski at tibra.com
Thu Jun 16 10:36:54 CEST 2011

But still it would be possible (and very usefull) to get address of origin of received message. Or - in case of ROUTER socket - have a mechanism that would translate the sender identity in the first message part into actual source address.

This is one of the limitations of 0MQ I encountered in a project I'm working on: I'm not able to tell from what machine the request originated. It could be done on application level, but I: it adds extra complexity to the protocol on app level and II: client does not always known it's public IP address (or can not obtain this information in easy, portable way). And the router socket has all the data I need, there is only now way of extracting it.

-----Original Message-----
From: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org [mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] On Behalf Of Martin Sustrik
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:28 AM
To: ZeroMQ development list
Cc: Helge Früh
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] How to read client's IP address from zmqsocket using tcp

Hi Helge,

> I wonder if it's possible to read the client's IP address from a
> zmqsocket which is connected through tcp.  I know that the server socket
> generates an abstract SenderId if the client doesn't use an explicit
> identity. But this seems to be rather some type of GUID. I know that I
> could make the client's IP address an explicit part of the message but I
> would rather read the IP address of some kind of metadata that the
> socket generates...

No there's no way to find out. Given that each 0MQ socket can have 0 to
N underlying TCP or non-TCP connections, it doesn't even make much sense.

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