[zeromq-dev] PUB/SUB on an epgm socket stops receiving eventually …

Steven McCoy steven.mccoy at miru.hk
Sat Jun 11 00:16:20 CEST 2011

On 10 June 2011 15:55, Ladan Gharai <lgharai at gmail.com> wrote:

>> ZMQ creates a new PGM socket.  PGM is a socket based API beneath ZMQ.
> I see. But the new PGM socket does not seem to reconnect to the receiver?
> Also, could you  point out where in the zmq code does this happen?(I'd like
> to print out an error message or do something once this happens)
Start here,


I think the functionality changed a bit as I made it configurable whether
OpenPGM remains in an error state like TCP or attempts to resume the
reception from the transport but with notification of unrecoverable loss.
 It cost too much time to recycle the socket so it was cheaper to have an
option in OpenPGM for best effort delivery.

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