[zeromq-dev] [CL-ZMQ] Constants (and patch retraction)

Lucas Hope lucas.r.hope at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 01:50:52 CEST 2011

Hi all,

Yesterday I submitted a patch to add zeromq 2.1 constants to the common lisp
zeromq binding.

I find my original solution is unwieldy due to namespace issues. To solve
this, I have:

1. Reverted/retracted the patch.
2. Added new constants for 2.1 using the lisp +constant+ convention.
3. Left the original 2.0 constants as they were defined for backward
compatibility with e.g. zguide.

My changes can be viewed here:

And I can make a patch available on request.


Dr Lucas Hope - lucas.r.hope at skype
Machine Learning and Software Engineering Consultant
Melbourne, Australia
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