[zeromq-dev] PUB/SUB on an epgm socket stops receiving eventually …

Ladan Gharai lgharai at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 22:17:32 CEST 2011


I are trying to use PUB/SUB with epgm – and what I am observing is that
sometimes one of the receivers stops receiving data.

With Iperf and UDP,  the boxes I am using can sustain 500Mbps with no loss
(or very little) – but the epgm receiver is clunking out at 100Mbps or even
lower data rates

I am using RHEL5 and zeromq-2.1.7

I’ve turned on  the openpgm trace/debug messages – afaict  once the epgm
receiver sustains “a lot” of packet loss its just not able to start-over

My questions are:

   1.   Is there a way to reset the receiver once this happens?
   2. Has anyone experimented with changing the size of the rxw (it
   currently uses 33333) – and the various timers NAK_RB_IVL, NAK_RPT_IVL and
   NAK_RDATA_IVL  (something akin to TCP tuning?)
   3.    Also occasionally I see the following assertion failed sometime
   after everything has gone to zero:

                                Assertion failed: pending_bytes == 0

Thank you for any help – or pointers on where to look.

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