[zeromq-dev] [PATCH] Additional preparation for IPv6 in 3.0

Steven McCoy steven.mccoy at miru.hk
Tue Jul 26 04:44:08 CEST 2011

On 26 July 2011 05:05, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at 250bpm.com> wrote:

> Right. My only point was that the deficiency of Windows IPv6 implementation
> should not affect 0MQ APIs (special options or similar). Or is that not the
> case? /me is still a bit confused.

Lets summarize Windows IPv6 support:

Windows 2000 has optional IPv6 preview.
Windows XP has optional IPv6
Windows Vista has full IPv6 and enabled by default.
Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 does not have IPv6 by default.

I'm leaning to Windows not actually being much of a problem.

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