[zeromq-dev] Bidirectional Comminication between equal nodes

BELLUS Stefan Stefan.Bellus at frequentis.com
Thu Jul 14 12:08:00 CEST 2011

Thank you for hint, I will study it in depth.


-----Original Message-----
From: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org [mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] On Behalf Of Pieter Hintjens
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:04 PM
To: ZeroMQ development list
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Bidirectional Comminication between equal nodes

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM, BELLUS Stefan <Stefan.Bellus at frequentis.com> wrote:

> I read quickly The Guide, and check google, but I cannot still figure 
> out how I can implement bidirectional communication between equal nodes.
> With equal nodes I mean that sometime one node is sending request and 
> wants reply, sometime other one. Sometime node wants only publish 
> message without reply.

You probably need to read the Guide again, and look at the use of ROUTER and DEALER sockets in Ch3 and Ch4 to create such dialogs.

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