[zeromq-dev] push to multiple pull sockets
Nathan Marz
nathan.marz at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 10:19:33 CET 2011
Thanks Martin, that clarifies the design of 0MQ for me.
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at 250bpm.com> wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> I asked about this on irc, but I'd like to get more information on this.
>> In the system I'm building, I need to push messages to multiple workers.
>> The sender knows who all the receivers are, but push sockets only
>> support load-balancing and not pushing to all the receivers.
>> I was told I should use pub/sub for this functionality, but this seems
>> needlessly complex if I want to ensure no messages lost as it requires a
>> synchronization step. The system I'm building has fault-tolerance built
>> at the software layer, so publishers/receivers can change over time as
>> machines go down and tasks get reassigned. Synchronizing new publishers
>> and receivers mid-processing is not desirable.
>> Are there technical reasons why multicasting from a push socket to
>> multiple pull sockets is not desirable? Alternatively, are there any
>> major drawbacks to having the sender open up a separate push socket to
>> each receiver?
> The messaging pattern for multicasting is PUB/SUB. (PUSH/PULL is irrelevant
> to this discussion).
> There are two mutually exclusive options with multicasting (PUB/SUB
> pattern):
> 1. No messages are ever lost.
> 2. The distribution of messages never deadlocks.
> You can't have both at the same time. If no messages are to be lost, single
> slow/defunct consumer can completely block the whole messagese distribution
> tree.
> So, 0MQ opts for 2., no global deadlocks, but messages may be lost.
> Martin
Twitter: @nathanmarz
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