[zeromq-dev] Announcing em-zeromq, integration with ruby's eventmachine reactor

Andrew Cholakian andrew at andrewvc.com
Sun Jan 30 20:11:30 CET 2011

Well, I for one would appreciate it :)

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us> wrote:

> * On Sat, Jan 29 2011, Andrew Cholakian wrote:
> > Thanks Jonathan, I appreciate the detailed comments and insights and will
> definitely be
> > making the changes you've recommended.
> >
> > As far as ZMQ::Events goes. Why should I check that rather than just
> > attempt to call recv, ZMQ::NOBLOCK, as the code does now? I left that
> > comment in there because I was a bit confused as to why I should check
> > that. It sounds like there's a good reason for that, but I'm clearly
> > not getting something.
> I think it's OK to do what you're doing; try the read or write, and if
> it fails, make a note and try again when the IO watcher fires.  What
> won't work is just creating an IO watcher on the ZMQ_FD without either
> checking ZMQ_EVENTS or trying a no-block read/write.  (I think that's
> how Praveen ran into trouble when he was trying to integrate with
> libev.)
> If someone will ack this, I'll write up some documentation and a C-based
> example on how to correctly integrate zmq >= 2.1.0 with an arbitrary
> event loop.  Hopefully that will save others some time.
> Regards,
> Jonathan Rockway
> --
> print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"
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Andrew Cholakian
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