[zeromq-dev] DllNotFoundException

guy p guyp at kairospw.com
Mon Jan 17 18:20:23 CET 2011

Hi There,

I am just beginning to use ZeroMQ and am experimenting with some of the
samples.  I am using the C# language bindings and have run into an issue
with getting a DllNotFound Exception.

I can Load and run samples on My development machine, but when I move things
to other servers, I get the error despite copying the libzmq.dll into both
the folder the samples are running from and into Windows/System32.

I have put clzmq.dll into the Folder the sample app is in and also
libzmq.dll  Also, I put libzmq into c:/Windows/System32.
I am running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2.

I also made certain to built the libzmq dll using Release, not debug.

Has anyone experienced the DLL not found exception when the language binding
code (clzmq.dll) tries to access the libzmq dll?

Thanks for the help,

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