[zeromq-dev] PUB/SUB does not reconnect when unplug the cable

Nguyen Quang Bang bang.nguyen at quant-edge.com
Thu Jan 13 09:21:25 CET 2011

Hi all,
I've just tried PUB/SUB and has a problem with reconnecting. In my case, i
use two computer, one is publisher, other is subscribe, connect through
cable. When i stop the publisher, wait for a moment then restart the
publisher , the subscribe can reconnect to publisher and continue to receive
messages send from publisher. But when i unplug the cable of subscribe, then
plug it again, the subscribe does not auto reconnect to publisher and does
not receive messages anymore. Is this a bug?
Another problem is when i call the function connect two times in subscribe,
i will receive a message two times in subscribe, if i call 3 times, i will
receive the message 3 times. Is this the normal behavior or it's a bug?
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