[zeromq-dev] HWM ignored on inproc connection
Douglas Creager
dcreager at dcreager.net
Tue Jan 4 18:44:37 CET 2011
>> Oh, I though this would just be for inproc connections. As in, the
>> total size of all buffers should be SNDHWM + RCVHWM. For TCP, there
>> are buffers on either side of the network connection, and so you get
>> this by having one side create a SNDHWM buffer, and the other create
>> a RCVHWM buffer. It's only in the inproc connection — where there's
>> only a single buffer — where you'd have to add together the values to
>> get the correct buffer size.
> Agreed. I haven't suggested otherwise btw.
Ah whoops, my bad. I should read more carefully next time!
Here's an updated patch:
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This still isn't implementing the split SNDHWM/RCVHWM that you talked about earlier; this just computes the sum of the existing HWM and SWAP options.
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