[zeromq-dev] source material for TIBCO to ØMQ migration

Scott alcoholiday at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 03:40:29 CET 2011

I obviously need to read up on PGM. I'd imagine some combination of
forward EC + no back channel would probably satisfy our applications,
I'd probably be pretty happy w/ a 50% FEC penalty in exchange for no
back channel.

Thanks for the info... know what I'll be digging in to tonight!

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Steven McCoy <steven.mccoy at miru.hk> wrote:
> On 4 January 2011 04:41, Scott <alcoholiday at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Has there been much historical discussion about UNRELIABLE multicast
>> PUB/SUB? We certainly have applications that just use OSC/UDP
>> multicast, since it's better for the application to get the latest
>> data if it didn't get a previous message; but I'd rather migrate
>> everything to zmq!
> Some brief discussion, basically on a switched network you always need some
> re-ordering and you can get a basic re-ordering transport with PGM with a
> very small window size.
> PGM allows a lot of different architectures, such as disabling the
> back-channel, using Forward-Error-Correction, local network repairers, and
> even congestion control.
> The only two alternatives to look at really are UDT for high speed high
> latency unicast links for when TCP congestion control is too harsh, and the
> recent UDPCP in Linux for very low overhead rather synchronous messaging.
> http://lwn.net/Articles/421435/
> --
> Steve-o
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