[zeromq-dev] Resource temporarily unavailable

Ashok Chippa a.n.chippa at gmail.com
Sun Dec 25 19:20:16 CET 2011

It seems to be working with XREP-XREQ pair...

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Ashok Chippa <a.n.chippa at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have gone through the "Missing Message Problem Solver" - I am using
> inproc, but as expected I am binding before connect, and I am calling
> zmq_init() only once...
> I am a newbie to 0MQ... Please help...
> Thanks,
> Ashok
> On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Ashok Chippa <a.n.chippa at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Resending after subscribing...
>> I have a very simple scenario: Main process creates the socket and binds
>> (inproc://#1). Test thread creates another socket (code added after Martin
>> pointed it out) and connects (inproc://#1). Test thread then sends to the
>> main process. I am seeing "Resource temporarily unavailable" in the main
>> process, and "Operation cannot be accomplished in current state" in the
>> test thread.
>> What am I doing wrong? Please help. I am in a bit of an emergency and
>> would appreciate quick response.
>> Thanks,
>> Ashok
>> achippa at ubuntu:~/projects/groupchat$ ./client 1111
>> client started with ipaddress port 1111
>> zmq_recv on user returned "Resource temporarily unavailable"
>> connected to user socket
>> C foo
>> C foo
>> zmq_send returned "Operation cannot be accomplished in current state"
>> C foo
>> zmq_send returned "Operation cannot be accomplished in current state"
>> C foo
>> zmq_send returned "Operation cannot be accomplished in current state"
>> On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Ashok Chippa <a.n.chippa at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am getting a "Resource temporarily unavailable" with a REP/XREP/DEALER
>>> socket on zmq_recv(). I have tried all three with and without ZMQ_NOBLOCK
>>> option and still see the same issue. This is with a simple inproc socket
>>> for testing.
>>> Basically, I have a process which creates a test thread. The main
>>> process opens the socket, and does a zmq_recv() in a while loop. The test
>>> thread sends messages into this socket. The zmq_send() on the test thread
>>> seems to be working (did not see any error there.) Even though I have a
>>> while loop I see the error (Resource temporarily unavailable) only once!
>>> Seems like even with ZMQ_NOBLOCK it is blocking and probably not receiving
>>> anything.
>>> What am I missing? (Not sure how to specify end point for inproc socket
>>> though.)
>>> Here's the code snippets:
>>> ------------------------------------
>>>     /* Create socket to talk to local user/test harness.
>>>      */
>>>     user = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_DEALER);
>>>     if (!user) {
>>>         printf("user socket create failed: %s\n", zmq_strerror(errno));
>>>         assert(0);
>>>         return 0;
>>>     }
>>>     if (zmq_bind(user, "inproc://group_chat_client") == -1) {
>>>         printf("user socket bind failed: %s\n", zmq_strerror(errno));
>>>         assert(0);
>>>         return 0;
>>>     }
>>> --------------------
>>>     while (1) {
>>>         /* Check the user socket. If there is something
>>>          * from the user handle it. We are basically
>>>          * doing round-robin between user, requestor and
>>>          * subscriber sockets. (Wonder zmq can be enhanced
>>>          * to do WRR for us between multiple sockets., Better
>>>          * to block on multiple sockets and unblock when a
>>>          * message arrives of any one of them.)
>>>          */
>>>         zmq_msg_init(&msg);
>>>         zmqret = zmq_recv(user, &msg, ZMQ_NOBLOCK);
>>>         if (zmqret == -1) {
>>>             printf("zmq_recv on user returned \"%s\"\n",
>>>                     zmq_strerror(errno));
>>>         }
>>>         if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
>>>             printf("we have something in the user socket");
>>>             /* We have a server/user message. Parse it. We do not
>>>              * want zmq APIs deep within our code.
>>>              */
>>>             gc_client_get_message(&msg, &size, &request);
>>>             /* Handle the request/reply.
>>>              */
>>>             if (size) gc_client_handle_message(request, size);
>>>         }
>>>         /* Close the message.
>>>          */
>>>         zmq_msg_close(&msg);
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> void *
>>> test_main (void *arg)
>>> {
>>>     zmq_msg_t   msg;
>>>     size_t      size;
>>>     int         zmqret;
>>>     uint8_t    *request;
>>>     char       *newline;
>>>     char        text[256];
>>>     /* Connect to the client user socket.
>>>      */
>>>     if (zmq_connect(user, "inproc://group_chat_client") == -1) {
>>>         printf("connect to user socket failed: %s\n",
>>> zmq_strerror(errno));
>>>         pthread_exit(0);
>>>     }
>>> ...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> I verified the size (13 bytes)
>>>     /* Send it to the parent process.
>>>      */
>>>     zmq_msg_init_data(&zmsg, buf, size, NULL, NULL);
>>>     if (zmq_send(user, &zmsg, 0) == -1) {
>>>         printf("zmq_send returned \"%s\"\n", zmq_strerror(errno));
>>>     }
>>>     zmq_msg_close(&zmsg);
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