[zeromq-dev] Documentation Bug

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Sun Dec 11 00:53:36 CET 2011

Hi David,

> I'm loving 0MQ, and if things go as well as i expect, I'll be buying
> each of you a beer or latte (your choice).

I choose beer, myself :)

> On the **zmq_poll() page in the online docs, you say:
> If none of the requested events have occurred on any *zmq_pollitem_t*
> item, /zmq_poll()/ shall wait /timeout/ _microseconds_ for an event to
> occur on any of the requested items. If the value of /timeout/ is 0,
> /zmq_poll()/ shall return immediately. If the value of /timeout/ is -1,
> /zmq_poll()/ shall block indefinitely until a requested event has
> occurred on at least one *zmq_pollitem_t*. The resolution of /timeout/
> is 1 _millisecond_.

You specify the interval in microseconds. However, due to the fact that 
the precision of system timers is 1 millisecond, the precision of 
zmq_poll() is 1 millisecond as well.

This is kind of silly and confusing, so from version 3.0 on the timeout 
in zmq_poll() is specified in milliseconds.


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