[zeromq-dev] Bind to local ip address

fredrik danerklint fredan-zmq at fredan.se
Thu Dec 8 23:46:41 CET 2011


I've started to make a patch to be able to bind to a local ip address 
when using zmq_connect / zmq_bind. I need this since I have a bunch of 
ip addresses on the machines that I will use 0mq on.

It's only a few lines in tcp_connecter.cpp to be able to do this. Have 
tested locally and verified with $netstat -tn to see that i actually 
works. (The hole patchfile is only 31 lines).

However, I don't have the knowledge for make the changes that's needed 
to the api to add an additionally parameter for the functions 
zmq_connect and zmq_bind.


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