[zeromq-dev] I'm a coder, Jim, not an administrator...

Oliver Smith oliver at kfs.org
Thu Apr 28 20:50:57 CEST 2011

I need to upgrade a flotilla of internal testing machines (and virtual 
machines) running Ubuntu 10.10 to ZeroMQ 2.1.6, having to do it from source.

Trouble is that they don't have compilers on them, is there some way to 
easily generate some kind of remote installation bundle or package from 
the source tree? Or do I need to look at building my own dpkgs (a notion 
which fills me with fear and dread)?

I'm probably just going to copy the libraries and headers over to all of 
the machines, for now, but is there maybe a make install host=X option 
that would install to a remote-host destination?

- Oliver

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