[zeromq-dev] The zmq_recv() call in the client hangs ..

Ian Barber ian.barber at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 14:50:26 CEST 2011

2011/4/28 김종환 <jhkim at daumsoft.com>
> When we execute the application, the zmq_recv() call in the client hangs
> forever if the server goes down for some reason. Is there any way to detect
> the status of the server to perform an appropriate action?
If you use zmq_poll, you can set timeouts and so on to allow you do avoid
the blocking. There is no hearbeating of socket status at the zeromq socket
level, but it has been layered on top: take a look at the Guide if you
haven't already, particularly the chapters on reliability: http://zero.mq/zg

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