[zeromq-dev] anyone try to use 0mq for BSP

Matt Weinstein matt_weinstein at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 15:02:14 CEST 2011

Hadn't seen this one, looks like several models that emerged in the late 80's.  (Looks like a forward-only synchronized Time Warp OS :-) ).

From a quick look, there appear to be two protocols:

	Inter-node sync
	Two-phase barrier

Assuming this is for tightly coupled nodes, it seems like a simple state driven protocol engine over PUB/SUB would suffice, although Inter-node sync could use point-to-point for efficiency (*)

I haven't addressed protocol error and node recovery here, of course ;-)



(*) If I recall, UDP sockets open for host multicast also receive point-to-point messages...?  We can't do that using the ØMQ abstraction (I'd like to use the UUIDs if so :-) )

On Apr 22, 2011, at 3:19 AM, Pieter Hintjens wrote:

> Michael,
>> Has anyone tried to apply 0mq in order to implement Bulk Synchronous Parallel computing model? I am curious if anyone had looked into it.
> How much research have you done into this already? From a brief read
> of BSP the closest match in 0MQ terms looks like a fanout/fanin
> pipeline, e.g. http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Divide-and-Conquer.
> -Pieter
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