[zeromq-dev] PGM subscriber assert failure

Advait Alai advaitalai at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 14:31:01 CEST 2011

> That's how IGMP works:  subscriptions to multicast groups are sent on
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Group_Management_Protocol

Okay, but for epgm, this (IGMP V3 Membership Report) is the only packet I
get at the subscriber. For TCP, I get regular packet updates such as

0.000000 ->    TCP personal-agent > 45459 [PSH, ACK]
Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=91 Len=24 TSV=38025576 TSER=38025330
0.000042 ->    TCP 45459 > personal-agent [ACK] Seq=1
Ack=25 Win=92 Len=0 TSV=38025581 TSER=38025576

for every message that is sent by the publisher.

The IGMP packet tells the subscriber to subscribe to to get the
data, but somehow the subscriber doesn't seem to do that...

When I try to decode udp.port=5555 as pgm, I do not get anything.
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