[zeromq-dev] newbie helloworld Help

Ian Barber ian.barber at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 12:11:50 CEST 2011

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Ng Teng Jie <ng_tengjie at yahoo.com.sg>wrote:

> Pardon this newbie, I cannot get the sample hello world server/client to
> work.
> I am suspecting that I need to open the port 5555 through "iptables" in
> ubuntu? Is that right? Code in C is used as in the documentation.
> Thanks for any help! :)

By default localhost any localhost connnection should be allowed through
with ubuntu iptables AFAIK, but as a test just try stopping iptables, trying
your samples, then start it again. Make sure that you have an example where
one side is calling bind() and the other connect() as well, if you've
tweaked the code at all.

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