[zeromq-dev] Moving to 0MQ/3.0, yes or no?

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Sun Apr 10 08:34:59 CEST 2011

Hi all,

In the recent month, the discussion about 0MQ/3.0 have shown that the 
radical "parting with the past design flaws" goal of the endeavour 
cannot be achieved. Every tweak has its user that will be hurt if its 
removed. That makes the 3.0 version more or less useless: The flaws 
won't be fixed while at the same time the backward incompatible changes 
will hurt everybody.

Thus, we should revert the 3.0-related changes on master and go further 
with 2.x version, in a fully backward compatible way.

Thoughts anyone?

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