[zeromq-dev] Introducing Caravan: Simple, Faithful ZMQ-Bindings for Objective Caml (Pedro Borges)

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Mon Apr 4 07:29:01 CEST 2011

On 04/04/2011 04:24 AM, Brian Ledger wrote:

> I went through many iterations of the language interface for getsockopt
> and setsockopt;

The polymorphic nature of socket options causes problems in all 
bindings. Btw, have you checked how OCaml handles getsockopt/setsockopt 
for standard POSIX sockets? Maybe it would be good to mimic the 
behaviour for 0MQ sockets.

At a different topic: There was no link from zeromq.org to either of 
OCaml bindings. I've created a simple stub page on the wiki. Feel free 
to edit it.



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