[zeromq-dev] Does ZMQ "Over Send" Using OpenPGM

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Wed Oct 20 10:22:40 CEST 2010

On 10/20/2010 04:41 AM, Steven McCoy wrote:

> The exact value is set by IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS which can be found on Linux
> in /usr/include/bits/in.h.  Although this explicitly for groups on one
> socket, as such in OpenPGM you will get an error trying assign more than
> 20 groups to one transport.

The value limits number of multicast groups per OS *socket*, right?

0MQ creates a special instance of pgm_socket for each connect. I would 
expect that each pgm_socket would in turn create a separate raw socket, 
am I right? Thus max number of multicast groups per socket is always 1.

Or maybe OpenPGM uses a single OS socket for all the pgm_sockets?


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