[zeromq-dev] python binding, REQ/REP blocking, apparent "deadlock"

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 06:38:31 CEST 2010

I have actually not used zeromq or pyzmq in really long connections
like you are describing, but I think some others here have reported
issues with that.  You might poke around the list archives for threads
on this topic.



On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:30 PM, George Coles
<george.coles at quantitative.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have basically been lurking during the last few months of feverish
> activity on this list. I decided to use zmq for a very simple application
> that is basically one step above  hello world, thinking that not much would
> probably go wrong. I am using the 2.0.7 python binding, with v 2.0.7 of the
> core. The client is 64-bit windows, the server is 64-bit debian 5 lenny. The
> code below is very close to the literal truth. After I start my client, it
> sends several hundred messages in a few seconds. All seem to go as expected,
> and no messages are missing on the server side. After an hour or two of
> inactivity, another single message is sent. This message never gets a reply
> when sent by the client. I kill the client after a while of waiting, and at
> this point, the message that was sent to the server comes "unstuck" and is
> sent on for processing.  This is all REQ/REP, and I am neither getting an
> error from either the server or the client that the connection is closed,
> nor am I getting an illegal state error as if the req/rep sequence was
> violated. I can't tell if this issue is random, or whether it is as a result
> somehow of the length of time the socket is connected. Has anyone eny
> experience like this? I did not find any issues entered that matched this
> kind of problem. I would upgrade to the lastest versions but things seem to
> change very quickly,and I do not find any bugs entered that match my
> experience.
> thx
> George
> #client
> ctx = ZMQ.context(1)
> fixMsgsSckt = ctx.socket(ZMQ.REQ)
> fixMsgsSckt.connect("tcp://hooha:8080")
> while True:
>       success = fixMsgsSckt.send(s)
>       print "sent message successed:" + str(success)
>       fixMsgsSckt.recv()
>       print "got resp"
> #server
> ctxIn = zmq.Context(1)
> replySocket = ctxIn.socket(zmq.REP)
> print 'about to bind on ' + incomingUrl
> replySocket.bind(incomingUrl)
> while True:
>     #print 'waiting for msg'
>     msg = replySocket.recv()
>     #print 'got msg '
>     replySocket.send('')
>     #print str(msg)
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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu
ellisonbg at gmail.com

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