[zeromq-dev] Y-Suite ysemaphore, ypollset and ysocketpair

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Fri Oct 15 10:12:46 CEST 2010

On 10/15/2010 05:46 AM, Kwong Aik Goh wrote:

> I come across the Y-suite and I would like to use it for my project.
>  From the white paper, I saw that I could use either ysemaphore,
> ypollset or ysocketpair for thread synchronisation. However, in the src
> folder from the package which I downloaded from
> http://www.zeromq.org/area:download , I did not see any ypollset.hpp or
> cpp files. I couldn't find the ysemaphore or ysocketpair implementation
> either. Could you help me with this?

The documentation you've seen was written back in the days of 0MQ/0.1. 
Many of the classes were dropped in the meantime.

You can find them here:



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