[zeromq-dev] Printing web pages

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Thu Oct 14 17:45:52 CEST 2010

> I've spent some time when you reported the problem previously, trying
> to even reproduce it reliably, let alone fixing it.  It does hit but
> not systematically.  IMO it's caused by an error in the CSS of the
> generic template that affects different browsers differently, and is
> also affected by caching.  I got the guys at Wikidot to take a look
> but they could not reproduce it and so it left unsettled.

Thank you very much for taking the time.

> Let's try to debug this by using git's bisect algorithm...
> - I've removed the template from the sandbox: category
> - So see if you can print http://www.zeromq.org/sandbox:ch1

Yes, both directly from the page and from what I get when I click on the
Print link at the bottom. In both cases I can change the scale and
orientation and it always comes out right.

> - See if you can print: http://zguide.zeromq.org/chapter:1

Yes, exactly like above.

> - See if you can print: http://www.imatix.com/articles:the-ice-wars

Yes, the whole thing comes out in a narrow single column.

I tried these tests both logged in and not logged in, it didn't make any

Gonzalo Diethelm

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