[zeromq-dev] [ZFL] list class

Martin Hurton hurtonm at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 14:59:05 CEST 2010


I plan to extend zfl library with a class for list manipulation.
Below is the first draft of the function interface.

Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

- mh

typedef struct _zfl_list zfl_base_t;

typedef struct _zfl_list_element zfl_list_element_t;

//  Create a new linked list.
zfl_list_t *
    zfl_list_new ();

//  Destroy the list and all its elements. Function frees
//  all values stored in the list.
    zfl_list_destroy (zfl_list_t *self);

//  Insert the element at the end of the list.
    zfl_list_append (zfl_list_t *self, void *val);

//  Insert the element after a given element. Returns new element.
zfl_list_element_t *
    zfl_list_insert_after (zfl_list_element_t *el, void *val);

//  Insert the element before a given element. Returns new element.
zfl_list_element_t *
    zfl_list_insert_before (zfl_list_element_t *el, void *val);

//  Remove the element from the list.
    zfl_list_remove (zfl_list_element_t *el);

//  Return the value of the element.
void *
    zfl_list_value (zfl_list_t *self);

//  Return the number of elements in the list.
    zfl_list_len (zfl_list_t *self);

//  Return the first element or NULL, if the list is empty.
zfl_list_element_t *
    zfl_list_first (zfl_list_t *self);

//  Return the last element or NULL, if the list is empty.
zfl_list_element_t *
    zfl_list_last (zfl_list_t *self);

//  Return the element successor. If the element is the last one, the
//  function returns NULL.
zfl_list_element_t *
    zfl_list_next (zfl_list_element_t *el);

//  Return the element's predecessor or NULL. If the element is the first
//  one, the function returns NULL.
zfl_list_element_t *
    zfl_list_prev (zfl_list_element_t *el);

//  Selftest.
    zfl_list_test ();

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