[zeromq-dev] Amsterdam, last week of October

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Tue Oct 12 12:44:46 CEST 2010

> Ok, I've just booked my flight. Couple of rounds of beer are on me!


> Martin


That's awesome. By my count, these people are confirmed to attend:


Pieter Hintjens (in charge of the reservation)

Mikko Koppanen

Nicholas Piël

Martin Sustrik

Gonzalo Diethelm


The meeting will be on Sunday 24th, 6:00 PM at the Restaurant Café Van Puffelen, Prinsengracht 375-377, 1016 HL in Amsterdam (phone +31(0)20-624 62 70). This is really close to Anne Frank House:




I am really looking forward to this meeting, so much so that I declined another dinner invitation; I don't want to miss this chance to gloat with everyone else about how great 0MQ is!


See you in two weeks. And my offer for beer rounds has precedence over Martin's... Best regards.




Gonzalo Diethelm

Gerente Desarrollo de Sistemas / CDO

Apoquindo 4001 piso 12, Santiago, Chile

+56 2 393-9073

gdiethelm at dcv.cl / www.dcv.cl


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