[zeromq-dev] [PATCH] Add VERSION macros

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Tue Oct 5 12:54:34 CEST 2010


>>> 0. You don't really need the PACKAGE_VERSION_XXX macros? They looked (to
>>> this noob) like a standard thing...
>> Dunno. They were generated by hand.
> No they weren't. They were done by hand in the MSVC-specific header file
> because MSVC doesn't integrate with the autotools build that all other
> platforms use. For the autotools build the AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(...) and
> AC_SUBST(PACKAGE_VERSION) results in the values being correctly propagated
> to where they're needed.

I meant they are not standard autotools defines. The are 0MQ-specific 
defines, right?

> I'm not sure what to do about this; the problem is a "plain" MSVC build
> can't even rely on something like "sed" to be present. If we had a tool
> like that then we could make the MSVC build use a "template" platform.hpp
> on which variable substitution would be done before the build starts (AFAIK
> it is possible to run commands as part of a MSVC project build process?).

What do you propose then? Generating zmq.h?

> One thing that may be useful (and is of course trivial) would be to also
> define ZMQ_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH} in addition to the
> ZMQ_VERSION(m,m,p) construct. Preferences differ and some people
> may wish to just use this variant of the macros.

What does it provide in addition to the original macros? AFAICS there's 
no added value.


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