[zeromq-dev] IPC on Windows (again)

Martin Lucina mato at kotelna.sk
Tue Nov 30 15:51:50 CET 2010

marcelo.cantos at gmail.com said:
> 2010/10/28 Mikael Helbo Kjær <mhk at designtech.dk>
>     ... I could really use an IPC solution for Windows. ...
> I would love to see this too. I understand that the problems with implementing
> IPC on Windows are significant, so I am trying to decide between several
> options:
>  1. Use tcp:// with fixed port allocations. But how do we allocate ports safely
>     when writing software for consumer PCs?
>  2. Use tcp:// with dynamic port allocations. I'm not sure this is even
>     possible, since zmq_connect may be called before zmq_bind.
>  3. Implement ipc:// properly on Windows. This sounds like a lot of work, which
>     I don't mind so much. But how difficult will it be to get it right?
>  4. Fudge ipc:// by using tpc:// with dynamic port allocations behind the
>     scenes. Is this an easier path to follow, perhaps?

Option 4) seems easy at first sight but you still have the problem of
naming; IPC naming in 0MQ uses a string (well, on *NIX technically a
filesystem path) for the endpoint. It's not at all clear how you would
translate that to the correct dynamically allocated port.

Option 3) is the ultimate goal but is a lot of work and back when we
discussed this it was not clear at all if there's an official Win32 API for
IPC which we can integrate into a standard
select()/WSAEventSelect()/IOCP-based poller on Windows.

I did mention LPC at the time which looks like it might work but is
for all intents and purposes an undocumented API with all the dangers that

Option 2) would work if we finally get around to allowing zmq_bind() to a
dynamically allocated port. That is something for a future release post

Hope this helps,


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