[zeromq-dev] Stress test failed with assertion nbytes == sizeof (command_t) mailbox.cpp:78

Martin Lucina mato at kotelna.sk
Mon Nov 29 08:30:21 CET 2010

oleg.sev at gmail.com said:
> 2010/11/25 Martin Lucina <mato at kotelna.sk>:
> > No idea what to do about it though :-(
> I use TCPView util to see all TCP connection on Windows. Each 0MQ
> context make one TCP connection over localhost. Each 0MQ socket make
> two TCP connection over localhost. If I destroy 0MQ socket local
> connections established by socket not going away right after destroy.

What do you mean by "not going away right after destroy"? That after you do
a zmq_close() on a socket the TCP connection on localhost stays around for
some time? If so, how long? Or are you describing some other behaviour


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