[zeromq-dev] behavior of zmq_term in 2.1.0

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Sat Nov 27 22:31:07 CET 2010

On 11/27/2010 10:24 PM, Chuck Remes wrote:
> This blocking behavior was raised as an issue in #85.
> https://github.com/zeromq/zeromq2/issues#issue/85
> That ticket hasn't been updated, but the discussion did include references to SO_LINGER which I see has been implemented (and documented) as the ZMQ_LINGER socket option. Since the unwanted behavior (packets dropped when zmq_term() is called) has been solved by the addition of ZMQ_LINGER, can we now consider the blocking behavior of zmq_term() to be a bug?
No. It's the only way to achieve the "don't drop the packets on exit" 
behaviour I can imagine. Except for moving 0MQ into kernel space, of course.


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