[zeromq-dev] [PATCH] build related patches

Mikko Koppanen mikko.koppanen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 19:15:32 CET 2010

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Martin Lucina <mato at kotelna.sk> wrote:
> Looks good. I presume you remove the initialisation of
> LIBZMQ_EXTRA_C[XX]FLAGS at the beginning of configure.in so that these can
> be overriden?

Yes, this way user can pass them if needed.

>> 0002
>> Call AC_REQUIRE from AC_CONFIG_LIBTOOL rather than fail the build
> What does AC_REQUIRE actually mean?

It calls the macro if it has not been called before.

>> 0003
>> New configure switch --enable-debug which turns off compiler
>> optimizations and disables shared libraries
> This is good but please make it so that it doesn't muck with the shared
> library setting. We already have --enable-shared/--disable-shared so anyone
> who wants a specific combination can use that.

The disabling shared build was a feature request from Martin Sustrik.
I can remove it if needed (?)

> Also I'm still in the dark as to how the AC_REQUIRE stuff works, it's now
> slightly less obvious what order things get called in, but I guess as long
> as it works that's not too big an issue.

AC_REQUIRE simply calls the macro if it has not been called before.

> -mato
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Mikko Koppanen

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